Send a web request to get linked issues (see REST API ).
Mark the checkbox to delay execution of subsequent rule actions until automation has received a response for the web request.
Create a variable for the following smart value:
{{webResponse.body."Deal/Service - Invoice"."Invoiced via".linkedissues}}
where"Deal/Service - Invoice
is the name of the Advanced Link configuration, and"Invoiced via"
is the name of the Advanced link (inward/outward).Look up retrieved issues:
Create a variable for the value of the custom field (in our case, Paid Amount)
{{#lookupIssues}},{{customfield_id}} {{/}}
:Summarize the field values with a formula
:Copy the summed-up values into a required field:
Rule configuration is also available for downloading as a JSON file:
View file name automation-rule-20851829-202408061503.json