If you want to create a central encryption, select Password with Central Encryption, name it as you wish and associate it to the a screen. This is useful if the following requirements are to be met:
Any user you want to get a password from a password field by entering some user credentials (password to log-in to Jira)
The user doesn’t want to enter any decryption or encryption key
The password should be stored encrypted in the database
Users should not know the encryption/decryption key but the keys can be stored on any path in the network reachable for Jira
As soon as the user creates a new password it is automatically encrypted with the given private key
As soon as the user enters user credentials to view password it is automatically decrypted with the given public key
Then adjust the configuration of the field and edit the Central Encryption:
In the configuration admin needs to define folder paths to the encryption private key (just text fields, no upload input). This should be a private key file. Furthermore, the admin needs to define folder paths to the decryption public key. This should be a public key file. Both should be uploaded to custom field setting. Jira must be able to search for this path. Local and remote paths are possible.
How to store the password
User enters a password
User clicks on encrypt icon
Jira automatically encrypts the password with the given private key
Jira stores the encrypted value in the database
How to get the password
User enters the user credentials into the password field
User clicks on decrypt icon
Jira gets the encrypted value from the database
Jira decrypts the encrypted value from the database with the configured public key