


Basic auth is used for authorization. Therefore you need to create an API token and use it as a username in the following format: tokenLabel@instanceName.atlassian.net. The password is API token itself. You can also use our Postman collection for this and define {{tokenLabel}}, {{instanceName}} and {{apiToken}} as variables:

To get an API token, go to Settings → Apps → STAGIL Assets → API tokens → Create API Token.

Advanced Links

Get Links

Method: GET

API call: https://apps.stagil.com/sajc/rest/saj/1.0/api/assets/issueLink/issue/:issueIdOrKey

Requires ‘Browse project’ permission.

Get Links: multiple links at once

Method: POST

API call: https://apps.stagil.com/sajc/rest/saj/1.0/api/assets/issueLink/issue

// Use an array of issue keys { "issues" : [ "LO-18", "LO-218", "LO-21", "LO-214", "LO-212", "LO-211", "LO-209", "LO-207", "LO-206", "LO-205", "LO-204", "LO-202", "LO-200", "LO-199", "LO-197", "LO-41" ] }

Body can contain max 100 issues per call.

Create Link

Method: Post

API call: https://apps.stagil.com/sajc/rest/saj/1.0/api/assets/issueLink/issue/:issueIdOrKey/customField/:customFieldId

Requires ‘Edit issue’ permission.

Delete Link

Method: Delete

API call: https://apps.stagil.com/sajc/rest/saj/1.0/api/assets/issueLink/customField/:customFieldId/issue/:issueIdOrKey/linkedIssue/:linkedIssueIdOrKey"

Issue Filters

Panel context: GET Projects in field context

Method: Get

Description: returns project IDs from the Issue Filter Panel.


Parameter: customFieldId

[ { "contextId": "60", "contextName": "All Projects:All Issue Types", "projectIds": [ "-1" ] } ]

Panel context: add new projects to the context

Method: Post

Description: updates the project list in the field context

Parameter: customFieldId, contextId

Database synchronisation

Trigger SQL database synchronisation

Method: Get

Description: starts database synchronisation.

API call: https://apps.stagil.com/sajc/rest/saj/1.0/api/assets/synchronizer/{id}/run

{id} - database synchroniser ID

SQL database synchronisation status

Method: Get

Description: shows database synchronisation status.

API call: https://apps.stagil.com/sajc/rest/saj/1.0/api/assets/synchronizer/{id}/status

Stop SQL database synchronisation

Method: Get

Description: stops database synchronisation status.

API call: https://apps.stagil.com/sajc//rest/saj/1.0/api/assets/synchronizer/{id}/stop


Advanced Links

instanceName: Your Jira Cloud instance name (part of URL before the \".atlassian.net\" and after the \"https://\")

customFieldId: Id of the relation custom field.

issueIdOrKey: Id or key of the issue, where a relations table is present.

linkedIssueIdOrKey: Id or key of the linked issue.

Issue Filters




Postman Collection

Use apps.stagil.com as a base URL for your calls.

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