Create & configure templates

Create & configure templates

Create new template

Issue templates can be created directly in two ways:

  1. Click on the user profile icon in the top right → Issue Templates. Find a Create new template button on the new page.

  2. Save an already existing issue as a template → see Save issue as a template for details.

General details

Icon: users can select an icon in a variety of colours to customise the template.

Name: a unique name for the template.

Description: a hint for the users about the template application.

Create issue dialog checkbox: users can enable or disable the launch of the ‘Create issue’ dialog when an issue is created from template.


Viewers: define user permissions to view and use templates. It can be configured in three modes:

  • 'Public' - any logged-in user can access a template

  • ‘Group’ - only users in selected groups can access the template

  • ‘Private’ - only the template creator can access the template

Default values

Users can pre-configure values for template fields. When an issue is created from the template, selected fields are automatically filled with defined values. Fields in the Add field drop-down will be filtered according to the issue type selected in the Type field.

It is possible to set default values using variables. Please Variables page for the list of supported variables.


Template context settings allow searching for a template on a configuration page. See more on template filters here Template Library | Browsing and filtering.

Subtasks & Issues in Epic

These tabs are used to create Epic templates and Subtask templates.

Child epic issues and subtasks are configured in the “Issues in Epic' and ‘Subtasks’ tabs respectively.

To see the tabs, select a required parent issue in the ‘Default values’ tab → ‘Type’ field.

Subtasks and child issues can be configured as templates too. To configure template fields hover over the issue and select ‘Edit’, then add the fields you would like to have populated upon creation.

Epic templates

Child issue in epic can have their own subtasks. To add a subtask, hover over the issue and click on the 3-dot icon, then select ‘Add subtask’.


Subtasks in templates can be set with default values of their own too. To configure, go to the ‘Subtasks’ tab in the ‘Create’ or ‘Edit’ template dialogue. Hover over a subtask to reveal an ‘Actions’ menu icon. Click the icon and select ‘Edit’.



A scheduled event can be configured to automate repetitive issue creation from a template. Issues can be created hourly, daily, on selected days of a week, month or using a custom CRON expression.

Save issue as a template

Users can save any already existing issues as a template. To proceed, go to the issue Actions menu → Save as template.

Save as template redirects to the template navigation page with an already open Create new template dialogue. All the fields that had values will be displayed in the template with values copies from the original issue. Users can add/remove any fields or change values in before saving the template.


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