Graph display styles

Graph display styles

In any graph type, users have the option to choose from various display styles that determine how the issues and links between them are presented. To change the visual style, simply click on the display style button located in the graph navigation.

Display style button in graph view

Network graph

The network graph represents Jira issues as nodes and Jira links as connections between them.

Network Graph

Direction graph

In the direction graph, the view is more structured. It displays issue dependencies based on their link direction flow, with parent/outward issues on top and child/inward issues below.

Hierarchy graph

Here issues are displayed in a levelled dependency tree according to issue hierarchy. The hierarchy can be customised on the Issue Hierarchy configuration page. If not configured, the graph will follow the deafult issue hierarchy. In the example below you can see that the default hierarchy has been customised and the ‘Task’ issue type has been granted seniority over the ‘Story’ issue type, while other issue types have regained their default rank.

Heat map

The heat maps view shows the concentration of issues through heat points. It presents the proportional importance of values within a specific field for issues obtained from a JQL query within a particular context. Each heat point corresponds to a distinct field value, with its size reflecting the number of issues associated with that value.

Switching to a heat map view launches a ‘Save view as' dialogue. Once configured the heat map will be saved in the saved graph view. See more on the Saved graph views page.

The dialogue for configuring a heat map is similar to that of graph views. However, in this configuration, it is necessary to choose a specific Heat field to serve as the basis for the heat map.

Hides heat points without results - if no issues with the a particular heat field value were found the heat point will not be displayed on the map.

Heat points can be based on the following Jira fields:

  • Status

  • Priority

  • Number

  • Labels

  • Components

  • Select list (single & multiple choice)

  • Text field (single line)

Data display options

‘Display’ in graph navigation opens a menu with options to manage display settings.

Click on the button to open the menu with the following configurations:


Issues without links - show/hide issues that have no links
Issues outside search - show/hide issues that are not in the scope of the JQL query
Grey out filtered issues → Issue Map Only - if selected, the map will show out-of-scope filtered issues, but they will appear greyed out. If unchecked, the filtered issues will not be displayed at all.
Show Arrows - display links between issues as arrows/simple lines.
Physic Movement - allows to move the entire net of issues by dragging just one of them.

The Link style menu allows to configure styles of graph lines that connect issues:

  • Lines - display issue links as lines

  • Arrows - display issue links as arrows

  • Hidden - do not show issue links, but issues only.

The Notation configuration menu allows changing the display style of issue summaries in graph view:

  • Key - show only the issue key.

  • Summary - show only the issue summary.

  • Key: Summary - first show the key, then summary.

  • Summary: Key - first show summary, then key.

  • Summary Status - first show summary, then status.

  • None - show only the issue icon.

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