Project Navigation Entries
Project Navigation Hide
In this section you can define, which project navigation entries you want to hide. First you choose the project category or the exact projects you want to apply the changes to. Then you choose the menu type you want to hide. If you want to hide certain entries only for specific user groups you have to add this group(s) under the tab “Hidden”.
List of currently supported menu types
Core: Issues, Reports, Releases, Components
Service Desk: Queues, Customer, Reports, Raise a request, Knowledge base, Customer channels, Invite team, Welcome guide
Other: Comala Canvas Board, Timesheet, Dashboard, Add element, iFrame, Filters, Change Board, Chance calendar, Sub-navigation
Project Navigation Entries
In this section you can define new project navigation entries and apply them to one ore more projects or project categories.
Project Navigation Types
The project navigation element "Filter" lets you add quick filters into your project navigation. To add a filter, proceed like described above and then click Manage:
Now you can apply a filter (that should be created in advance) and choose a name for it.
The result will look like this:
Can be used to provide useful links (which will open in the same window) that can be useful while working in a specific project. This can be a link to a page, Confluence space, Jira dashboard or any other source that can be reached with a url.
By embedding an iFrame element you can open any url without leaving the current project:
Here you can provide a link to all dashboards that are shared with the current project. No further configuration necessary.
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