Table values as smart values

Table values as smart values

Table values can be used in Jira Automation and accessed via smart values.

  1. To get values from one column across all rows:



10000- table (custom) field ID

2 - table column ID

  1. To get values from one column AND one specific cell



10000 - table (custom) field ID

2 - table column ID

0 - row position (0 = first row).

  1. To get values from one column AND one specific cell array:

{{issue.customfield_10000.get(0).field-2-name.get(1)}} {{issue.customfield_10000.get(0).field-2.get(1).id}}


10000 - table (custom) field ID

2 - table column ID

0 - row position (0 = first row).

get(1) - array position (1 = second value). Supported column types: select list, user picker

  1. To get values from one column AND one specific cell name/html/obj:



10000 - table (custom) field ID

2 - table column ID

0 - row position (0 = first row).

name - table column name. Supported column types: select list, user picker)

HTML - table column name. Supported column types: simple text, unlimited text, number, date picker, datetime picker, formula, decimal number.

obj - table column name. Supported column types: user picker, issue picker.


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