Table values as smart values
Table values can be used in Jira Automation and accessed via smart values.
To get values from one column across all rows:
10000- table (custom) field ID
2 - table column ID
To get values from one column AND one specific cell
10000 - table (custom) field ID
2 - table column ID
0 - row position (0 = first row).
To get values from one column AND one specific cell array:
10000 - table (custom) field ID
2 - table column ID
0 - row position (0 = first row).
get(1) - array position (1 = second value). Supported column types: select list, user picker
To get values from one column AND one specific cell name/html/obj:
10000 - table (custom) field ID
2 - table column ID
0 - row position (0 = first row).
name - table column name. Supported column types: select list, user picker)
HTML - table column name. Supported column types: simple text, unlimited text, number, date picker, datetime picker, formula, decimal number.
obj - table column name. Supported column types: user picker, issue picker.
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