How to create a SUTAJ field
There are two types of SUTAJ fields:
STAGIL User Time Account: the field that is used to display calculation results in issue view.
STAGIL Required User Work Log: used as a technical field to store the contracted hours of the employee and is used in configuration.
To create any SUTAJ field, follow these steps:
First, go to your Jira instance's 'Administartion → Issues → Custom Fields → Create Custom Field". A dialogue box will appear, and you can find the necessarySUTAJ field under ‘Advanced’.
Define the name for your field and add a description if necessary.
Associate the field with the relevant screens. You must associate a field with a screen before it will be displayed. Click the “Update” button at the bottom of the page.
Field configuration
Before beginning the configuration process, it is essential to carefully consider and decide on the setup for the employee file and related contract as described in the Introduction.
To start the configuration of a SUTAJ field, follow these steps:
Find your custom SUTAJ field in the list of custom fields and click on the three-dot ‘Actions’ menu to the right of the field.
Select "Configure contexts" from the dropdown menu, then choose ‘Edit STAGIL User Time Account’.
Logged tab
User. Specify the field which stores the user whose logs should be calculated. You can choose between Assignee and Reporter of the current issue.
Period. Specify the time scope for the calculated logs. Available options:
If the First day of work until now option is selected, the Required Tab is not optional anymore.
JQL field allows the specification of the issues from which the work logs should be calculated.
CRON field allows setting up a schedule for an automated calculation.
Billed hours allow you to specify which work logs are used - default Jira (All work logs) or logged via Tempo Timesheet (Tempo Billed hours).
Required (optional) Tab
Check out the checkbox ‘Reduce logged work sum by required work’. By marking the checkbox, you can prompt the display of additional (and essential) calculation parameters.
Required User Work Log Customfield: select a previously created SUTAJ field that stores the amount required work hours per week. To ensure successful calculation the field should have values and added to the screens of the contract issue.
Link to Contract. To perform a calculation, the field needs to pull conditioning values from a contract. A link type should be specified to help the field understand which of the related issues is the contract in the User Contract Link field.
Contract Start / End Date Customfield. Select the date field that is associated with the linked contract and store the contract start & end.
Overtime Payout Calculation
This field accepts a JQL query to define issues from which the app pulls the value from the ‘Original estimate’ field and subtracts it from the value in the current SUTAJC field.
For instance, if an employee's overtime hours are calculated at a different rate than their contracted hours, they should not be included in the time balance of the SUTAJC field. In this scenario, the employee can create an issue (e.g. type = Overtime) and update the default 'Original estimate' field with the number of extra hours. Meanwhile, the SUTAJC configuration can be changed to exclude logs from the 'Overtime' issue from the calculation:
type = Overtime AND reporter = ${issue.reporter.accountId}
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