Saved graph views

Saved graph views

Users can save their graph’s view settings (i.e. display style, filters).

To save a particular graph view click on the ‘Save as’ button, next to the graph’s name. After saving a graph view users can access them in a ‘Switch view’ drop-down menu.


The button opens a ‘Save view’ dialogue:

Name: graph name under which it will be displayed in the ‘Switch view’ drop-down.

Map type: graph display style

Visibility: when set to ‘Private’, the graph view will be hidden from other users in the Switch view’ drop-down.

Jira filter JQL: this field is automatically populated with a JQL filter currently applied to the graph.

Link Types: this field is automatically populated with a ‘Link types’ filter currently applied to the graph.

Background image: adds a background image to the graph. Select ‘Custom’ to upload your own image.

Issues without links: non-editable value inherited from the ‘Display’ setting of the current graph.

Issues outside search: non-editable value inherited from the ‘Display’ setting of the current graph.

Only show links on select issues: hides the links from the graph view. Links are only displayed when an issue is selected with a click:

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