STAGIL Traffic Light

STAGIL Traffic Light

This gadget offers you a traffic light on a project or set of search results defined by you.

In the JQL column, enter the criteria you need. Use the Condition column to define when the color should light up.

The JQL column shows you syntax errors and suggests possible values.

Use "Order column" to change the order of the colors.

In the Title field, you can enter the name that will be displayed. If nothing is entered, it´s named "STAGIL Traffic Light".

This is what a configuration example would look like.

At the time when the conditions for green are met, it is displayed like the following:

Since business does not always run well: as soon as the data changes to one of the other cases depending on what is defined, the traffic light changes to maybe yellow

or red:

So it always shows the current state at a glance.

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