Assets Navigator

Assets Navigator

Assets Navigator allows you to visualize, track and manage statuses of assets collections or catalogues using an adaptable and familiar spreadsheet-like view. The Navigator can be structured with custom folders and filters, allowing the creation of a hierarchy with 3 tiers ( level 4).

The following guide will walk you through the basics of working with the Navigator and help you create your first asset hierarchies.

add a screenshot of the navigator


Any user can access and use the Asset Navigator.

The Navigator is accessible through a ‘Assets’ tab in the top navigation. After opening the tab select ‘Search for assets’.

First steps

The first time you open the Navigator, you’ll see several options to kick off your acquaintance with the feature:

  1. Creating a sample project from a collection of templates (see more Asset Project Templates).

  2. Add an existing Jira project.

Navigator starting page


Users can see added projects in the Navigator as long as they have browsing permissions for the particular project.


Once a project is added it will appear in the sidebar.

Each project is added as a root folder that contains other sub-levels.

When the project is first added, it contains only one default sub-level - issue type. The issue types listed are the same as those in the project's issue type scheme.

Assets can also be uploaded via CSV. The import is supported via Jira’s default tool, ‘External Import System’, which is quickly accessible via a (…) menu in Assets Navigator.

Sub-level: Asset Filters

Asset filters allow the grouping of assets based on a JQL query against custom field values or searchable issue properties and then display such groups in the Sidebar.

The following use case provides a clear and practical explanation of the benefits of this feature.

Use case

Pre-condition: a CMDB asset template is in use.

Requirement: provide users quick access to a list of monitors that are currently under maintenance. Users should be able to get a list of assets filtered by status.

Resolution: Create an asset filter for the Application issue type. The filter link is accessible directly in the Assets Sidebar, displayed as a sub-folder of the Application listing.

Creating a filter

To create a filter, hover over the issue type and click on the revealed three dots icon:

Select ‘Create filter’ to open the configuration dialogue:

Filter Configuration

Name. This is the title displayed in the Assets Sidebar.

JQL. A JQL query.

In our example, we will filter our Applications by status; hence, the JQL query is status = 'In Maintenance'

By default, this query already automatically includes the context condition project = X and type = Y
In this use case, project = CMDB and type = Monitor.Thus, it is not necessary to include in the filter JQL.


A tab with the title ‘In Maintenance’ appeared in the sidebar. The tab is positioned as a sub-level of the ‘Monitor’ issue level.

By clicking on the ‘In Maintenance’ tab, users can view all ‘Monitors’ issues that are currently under maintenance:

Assets List

The list of assets occupies the largest part of the Navigator page. This is the most interactive part of the Navigator, where users search, filter and edit the issues/assets.

The list displays issues based on the levels selected, i.g. clicked on in the sidebar. For example, we see an added ‘CMDB’ project in the screenshot below. This project has several issue/asset types, i.e. Monitor, Notebook, etc. By clicking on the ‘Monitor’ issue type in the Sidebar, the user will see the list of all issues of this type within the 'CMDB project.


The Assets List shows issues as a table. Each row represents an individual issue. Each column represents a custom field, i.g. attribute. Columns can be added or removed from the table view. To customize the list of columns displayed, click on the configuration icon in the top right corner of the table:


Assets Navigator provides an option to search through your selected levels quickly. Users can find a search bar in the top navigation panel. The search bar can be used for text search or JQL queries.

By default, the search bar is set to text search. To switch to JQL, click on the ABC button.








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