STAGIL Assets for Jira Cloud Home

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Welcome to the documentation for STAGIL Assets (SAJC) - the comprehensive asset management app designed for Jira Cloud. STAGIL Assets offers a powerful set of features and functionality that fully leverages Jira's existing issue management functionality. SAJC stands out from other asset management apps because it eliminates the need for a separate repository and configuration for assets. Instead, SAJC turns native Jira issues into assets, providing a seamless and intuitive user experience. By leveraging Jira's existing issue management capabilities, SAJC opens up the limitless potential for managing assets and their dependencies.

Hot features:

  • Advanced Links - an elevated linking tool by STAGIL that allows the creation of dependencies between assets.

  • Create custom categories and groups to structure any database and manage them through Assets Navigator

  • Bring specific metadata to CIs with informative Advanced issue panels.

  • Infinite potential for asset attributes customisation with custom fields.

  • Detailed history and activity tracking.

  • CSV import/export via Jira file import.

  • Custom reports and dashboard creation.

  • Easy access to assets from Customer Portal, for internal and external users.

  • Avatars and visual barcodes and QR codes, including bulk printing.

  • Advanced searching with JQL.

  • Automated workflows and notifications.

Furthermore, STAGIL Assets boasts additional advanced functionalities that further enhance its capabilities beyond standard asset management:

  • 1-click setups are available to get you going in no time. Simply choose a project name and key. The setup will take care of the rest and create all the needed issue types, workflows, custom fields, screens etc.

  • As only native Jira functionalities are used, you can simply integrate your asset management with 3rd party applications through the open REST API.

  • Use built-in Database Synchronizer to synchronize your assets in Jira with various external and Jira internal data sources.

  • Hide the default Jira panel with our browser extension.

Check out our solution page!

📍We are located in the US and Germany.

♾️ STAGIL is an Enterprise Atlassian Platinum Solution Partner and App Vendor.

📍Our services include Atlassian Consulting, Atlassian Licenses, Trainings, Configuration, Support and more



We are constantly working on bringing all the features from our server version of the app to the cloud one.

In the meantime, if you are missing any features or have suggestions for improvements, please always feel free to create a request at our service desk portal.

© 2023, STAGIL