CMDB Use Case
Using STAGIL Assets - Advanced Links to manage your CIs is one of the most common and relevant use cases. The idea is to convert all items, which your IT team has to manage, into Jira issues and to create meaningful links between them. Every entity type is represented by an issue type.
Check also our ready to go 1-Click Setup for a CMDB use case .
Example Issue Types for a CMDB Use Case
… and many more.
Example Relations for a CMDB Use Case
Of course the required link types/relations depend on the CIs you need to manage in your system. The following list should give you an idea about the possibilities you have:
Server - Application: Link applications to the server they are located on
Application - Server: This will give you the opposite direction as well.
User - Notebook/Screen/Smartphone: Connect all devices to their users and track health of employee hardware
License - Organization: Link licenses to the organization you are having a license agreement with. Note that “Organizations” can be managed in a different project, such as a CRM project.
Create more relations if necessary, the possibilities are endless!
Usage of Scan Codes
A CMDB use case is the perfect context to make use of the STAGIL Scan Code custom field. This field create a unique scannable code, which can be printed and then applied on hardware to make identifying your CIs an quick and smooth process:
Include Traffic Light Custom Fields to Track Health of Your CIs
The STAGIL Traffic Light custom field can be used to track the health of your CIs. Depending on your defined conditions, the traffic light will show a Green Yellow or red light to indicate the health status:
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