Create and Link Buttons
The Create & Link Button (C&L) feature is a practical tool that simplifies workflows and saves time. It allows users to access any template promptly and effortlessly.
The button can be configured as an option in the 'More' drop-down menu or as a separate button in the issue navigation. Depending on the configuration, the button prompts a Create issue dialogue or opens a panel to create several issues simultaneously.
Create & Link feature allows the use of templates with default values or inherit field values from the current issue and automates the linking of new issues to the current ones. This way, users can easily create a new issue and save time by not having to copy and paste information from the original issue manually.
Create & Link buttons are configured as a part of an Issue Template. Each template can have several Create & Link buttons, which can be customized to suit your needs, e.g. defining different detailed contexts for the same template. This allows for custom template visibility within the issue view, and can significantly improve workflow efficiency.
To configure Create & Link buttons, first navigate to the Issue Templated configuration page. Select a template, open the three-dot Actions menu, and select Create & Link. This will bring up the C&L configuration page, which lists all the C&Ls configured for the selected template.
The C&L configuration page provides several essential details about each button, including C&L context, i.g. in which issues users can see the button.
Creating and editing C&L buttons
To create a C&L button for a specific template, navigate to the C&L configuration page and click on the "Create" button in the top left corner.
To edit an existing button, click on the tree-dot menu icon of a particular template and select Edit.
In the Create new button dialogue, fill out the following fields:
Name: Define the button's name displayed in the issue view.
Tooltip description: define a description that will show as a tooltip when users hover over the C&L button in the issue view.
Projects categories: a project category parameter that defines the context in which the C&L button is displayed.
Project: a project parameter that defines the context in which the C&L button is displayed.
Types: an issue types parameter that defines the context in which the C&L button is displayed.
Link type: the pre-configured link type for the new issue.
Link target: Defines whether the new issue will be linked to the current issue, parent epic of the current issue or a common parent issue (for subtasks).
Copy fields: Inherit the field values of the original issue for the new one.
Button menu: Select to display the button as a separate button in Issue Navigation or as an option in the ‘More’ menu.
Show fields (for multi-create screen only): Allows manual setting of field values in the multi-create screen.
Multi-create screen
Each button is set to create a single issue by default. Users who would like to create several issues simultaneously while overlooking all of them issues together can use our multi-create feature.
To enable, complete the following steps:
Select a C&L button → Edit.
Check out the Multi-create check box.
In the Show fields select the fields to display in the multi-create screen.
When users click the C&L button, a multi-create screen will appear. The screen always displays a number of default fields (project, issue type, summary, link type, priority, assignee, reporter). All fields can be edited from the screen. If a related template had any default values configured, they will also appear here. By selecting 'Add' on the screen, users can prompt a new row, i.g. create an additional issue.
Only users specified as viewers for a specific template can access the C&L button within the issue view.
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