Scheduling Issue Creation via CRON

Scheduling Issue Creation via CRON

You can use the CRON scheduler to automatically create template-based issues. Use this scheduler to create your CRON jobs. Depending on the interval of your scheduler issues will be created automatically.

Schedule CRON intervals to automatically create template-based issues.

  1. To configure CRONE Schedule for a Template we need to fill the valid value for the "Cron Schedule" field on the "Create Template" or "Edit Template" screen

On http://www.cronmaker.com/ it's easy to build CRON interval


2. We need to configure Issue Template-> Configure Fields in the "Action menu" for Issue Template

Fill in all required and necessary fields


3. Schedule CRON interval will automatically create a template based on set project and field values.

  1. If necessary it's possible to stop creation issues. Just delete the value from the "Cron Schedule" field.


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