Table History

Users' changes to table values are saved in Table History.

To access the Table History tab, simply scroll down to the activity panel of the issue. You will find a tab labelled ‘Table History’ that displays a change log of updates made by users along with a timestamp.

The table history is presented in a table format, sans the formula column. Newly added values are highlighted in green, while old (removed) values are highlighted in red. The sorting icon located in the upper right corner allows you to sort the changes log in ascending or descending order.

Note that if a column is removed, it will not be displayed in the new log but will remain in the previous logs.

If the same makes changes to the same table* within a 3-minute time period, the changes will be displayed as a group of log entries.
*if one issue has few tables displayed

Table update timestamp fields

Table updates are also recorded and reflected in two additional places:

  • issue update timestamp: Table update is recognised as an issue update.

  • issue history tab: The tab will contain a record about the update of the ‘STAGIL Table & Checklists updated’. This is a technical locked custom field that is used for listening to table updates and reflecting it in the issue updates. The field is created automatically when the app is installed.



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