Page Publishing

Page Publishing

For pages with content targeted to specific user groups or external users (with or without Confluence accounts) and with undergoing multiple repetitive cycles of editing and publishing, there is often a need to separate ready-to-view content from the one in progress. With the Timestamp feature, you can decide which version the users will see when they follow the page link.

Timestamp Configuration

How to create a timestamped page

Step 1. Create a Jira Date/Time picker custom field for the timestamp:

Step 2. Select a project-space configuration, open the three-dot menu, select Workflow. Select the Date/Time field in the Released version timestamp dropdown.


Step 3. Add the custom field to the view screen of the issue type synced with the page that is going to be published using the Timestamp.

Step 4. Go to Page History and find the page version selected to be published. Each version has a date and time of publishing - take note of that time.

Step 5. Go to a synced Jira issue → timestamp custom field → enter the version publishing time from the previous step.

Hide the ‘View Draft’ tag from the published page view

As illustrated in View 2 in the following paragraph, users with edit permissions will see a grey ‘View Draft’ button. Workflow & Fields configuration page provides an option to hide the button from users without edit permissions.

Administrators can find a checkbox to disable the button in a restrictions configuration dialogue (see project-space configuration’s three-dot menu).

To enable or disable the button: mark out the checkbox → Save.

Timestamp in page view

Default published page view

This page view is the default for the following users:

  • users/groups with view permission

  • users/groups with edit permissions

Please note that the published page is not available for editing. As illustrated above Edit button is not available in the published page navigation. To continue with page editing, users can use the grey ‘View Draft’ tag, which is a direct link to the latest version of the page.

The ‘View draft' button visibility for users without edit permissions is controlled through app’s main configuration page (see here). If disabled, users without edit permissions will see the published page as displayed below:

Draft page view



Published page view for anonymous users



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