Table Navigation in Issue View
This page provides guidelines for effectively navigating and interacting with the table on the webpage. Learn how to select rows, navigate cells, and perform actions such as cloning and deleting.
Row Navigation:
Select/deselect row: single-click a row.
Select row: Use the Ctrl key and click to select multiple rows.
Select row: Use the Shift key and click to select a range of rows.
Cell Navigation:
Select cell: Single-click to indicate selection with an outline.
Select cell: Use the Tab key to move to the next cell.
Edit cell: Start typing in a selected cell.
Edit cell: Double-click a cell (n/a to checkboxes).
Edit cell: Select a cell and use any Arrow key.
When a row is selected, action buttons (Clone and Delete) are displayed above the table, near the filter.
Tooltips provide descriptions for the Clone and Delete buttons.
Cloning a single selected row places the copied row directly beneath the selected row.
Cloning multiple selected rows appends the copied rows to the end of the table, scrolls to the bottom, deselects the original rows and marks the new rows as selected.
Columns can be resized in the issue view with a drag & drop.
Full-screen view
Users can also expand the table view into a full-screen dialogue for a better overview.
To open the dialogue, click the expand icon in the top right corner.
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