Issue Filter Panel: Issue linked to current issues
Selecting ‘Issues linked to current issues' as a scope for a Issue Filter panel creates a detailed issue table as an alternative to the default ‘Linked Issues’ panel.
Apart from the usual configuration of displayed data such panels have 2 additional features:
Option to show link type between the connected issues
To enable the display of the link type:
Go to the panel configuration page.
In ‘Data logic’ check that the scope is set to ‘Issue linked to current issues’
Switch to a ‘Display style’ tab.
Mark the checkbox ‘Show Link Direction Name’.
Option to hide links in the default links panel
If you decide to use our filter panel to display linked issues, you might find the default link panel obsolete (since the data is duplicated in both our and default panels).
We provide an option to hide the default panel. In the Data Logic tab of the panel configuration, administrators can find the checkbox Hide link field from the default panel. If checked, the duplicated links in the default panel will be hidden.
Only the link types that are selected in the Links configuration field (see highlighted in the screenshot below) will be hidden from the default panel.
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