Asset Navigator
Asset Navigator is an easily navigated database that allows you to have assets grouped and displayed in one place. It gives you a controlled overview of your digitalised objects and items, whether it is a hardware list or an HR database.
Have them grouped by projects and presented in the table. Asset navigation is enhanced through a number of features, such as:
create new assets directly from the Asset Navigator page
display issue field as columns with most of the system and custom fields supported Supported fields
filter assets via a JQL search bar
open assets as a pop-up dialogue without having to switch to another tab
sort assets by clicking on the column header
order columns via drag & drop
upload avatars
CSV import & export of the issue table
bulk editing
QR codes print
inline field editing
Here is a breakdown of the Navigator page structure:
1 - Assets Sidebar
Here, users can see a list of asset projects. Users can see a list of all the issue types/assets within the projects by clicking on the project title.
Find out how to customize the sidebar structure with Asset Groups & Filters
Right after the app installation, the sidebar is empty. It is up to the users which projects they want to see in the Navigator.
To create a new project, click ‘Add assets project’ and choose from one of our pre-configured templates or add an existing Jira project.
Some users might encounter the behaviour when a created template project is not added to the sidebar after creation. In such cases, projects can be added via the ‘Existing Jira project’ button.
Find more details about templates here: Asset Templates.
2 - Assets List
The list of assets occupies the largest part of the navigator page. This is the most interactive part of the Navigator, where users search, filter and edit the issues/assets.
The list displays issues based on the elements selected in the Sidebar. For example, we see an added ‘CMDB’ project in the screenshot below. This project has several issue/asset types, i.e. Monitor, Notebook, etc. By clicking on the ‘Monitor’ issue type in the Sidebar, the user will see the list of all issues of this type within the 'CMDB project.
The Assets List shows the issues as a table. Each row represents an individual issue. Each column represents a custom field, i.g. attribute. Columns can be added or removed from the table view. To customize the list of columns displayed, click on the configuration icon in the top right corner of the table:
3 - Search & Actions
The top part of the navigator page has number of tools that help user to work and process the data from the current Asset List:
Create asset button launches a ‘Create' issue screen. Project and type fields are conveniently pre-filled with the issue context of the current Asset List.
Get a link for the current Asset List.
Import / Export assets.
Bulk print QR codes.
Bulk edit issues.
How to access the Asset Navigator?
A global Assets Navigator can be accessed through Jira’s top navigation from any page in Jira. Go to the Apps in the top navigation bar and select Assets.
Sidebar Navigation
Asset Navigation can be built into any project. To open the Navigator, select Assets in the project sidebar.
Select Connect asset project to add a project to view. Now a selected project overview is always accessible under the Assets tab with all the features available in the global Asset Navigator.
Note, that global and local Navigators are not connected and allow the creation of different sets of project for an overview.