Project-Level Table Administration

Project-Level Table Administration

Users with the ‘Administer Project’ permission can access table administration directly from the project settings. This page is located under the ‘Tables & Checklists’ tab in the project settings sidebar.

On this page, project admins will see a list of tables that include the current project in their context.

Table administration page in ‘Project settings’

Using the [···] menu next to each table, users can access the full table configuration options. Here, project admins have the ability to:

  • Add new tables

  • Edit table name

  • Manage tables, e.g. configure columns, edit contexts

  • Delete tables that are no longer needed.

  • Set tables as unsearchable to limit their visibility in project searches.

  • Create automation rules

Note: If a table is shared across multiple projects, updating or deleting it from the project settings of one project will also impact its view or availability in other projects sharing the same context.

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