JQL Search and JQL Variables
The Advanced Links feature in Jira Cloud provides practical JQL functions to help you efficiently search and manage linked assets. By leveraging these functions, you can find all issues within certain advanced link relationships, enhancing your ability to track and manage your assets.
Basic JQL Search
“Inward / Outward Field Name”
You can search for issues that are related to each other by using the following syntax:
“Outward / Inward Field Name” = KEY-1
Available Operators
is not
not in
project = CRM AND “Contact Organization” = CRM-4
→ This will give you all issues from project = CRM that contain “CRM-4” in the asset relation field “Contact Organization” (which is equal to all issues connected to the contact organization “CRM-4”).
Advanced JQL Search
The app provides a unique JQL function to find all issues within specified advanced link relationships. This function lists all related issues, starting from a specified node and spanning through the specified link.
issue in link("JQL", "link_name", "link_level")
JQL: This is the node to start your search from. You can use regular JQL syntax to define your node or nodes. The start node is always included in the search results list.
link_name: Provide 1 to n names of links* you would like to search for in the network. Use the exact names from your link table without the inward or outward designations.
*searching using both advanced & default links is supportedlink_level: Specify the depth of your search as "level1", "level2", "level3", or "level4". The maximum level depth is 4.
If you’d like to search through several Advanced Links, multiple link_name parameters can be listed in the following format:
issue in link("JQL", "link_name1", "link_name2", "link_level")
The starting node for the search will always be displayed in the search results. For example, in the screenshot below, you can see that a JQL parameter = CRM-18. But we can also see an issue with the key = CRM-18 issue key in search results.
Users can quickly perform searches by using our Search Link dialog in Issue Search or in Assets Navigator. Discover the search tools integrated within the user interface here.
If users want to search deeper than level 1, they always must mention all link types that connect the starting search node with the final search result.
JQL Variables
The variables below can be used for data logic configuration for both, Advanced Links and Issue Filter panels.
{key} = fetches the issue key of the current issue.
{projectkey} = fetches the project key, in which the current issue is stored.
{assignee} = fetches the value of an ‘Assignee’ field from the current issue
{reporter} = fetches the value of a ‘Reporter’ field from the current issue
{fixversions} = fetches the value of a ‘Fix Version/s’ field from the current issue
{versions} = fetches the value of a ‘Affected Version/s’ field from the current issue
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