Customer Portal (JSM)

Customer Portal (JSM)

Our app is compatible with Jira Service Management, and Advanced Link fields can be displayed for any type of request. Users can view and select issues/assets while creating a request. Selected issues will be linked to the corresponding issue in Jira and displayed in the links panel in the request issue view.

How to add an Advanced Link field to the request screen?

This section will take you through the configuration following an example from an ITSM use case, i.e. creating a ticket for the technical support.

Requirement: Customer portal users need to have an issue picker field Related Licenses, where options are a list of serviced licenses (issue type = License).

Related Licences field is an outward field in the Account—License relation.

Step 1: Define the context

Go to your JSM project → Project settings → Request types.

Find the issue type assigned to the request type where an Advanced Links Field will be displayed, e.g. Technical support (request type) = Support (issue type).

Then go to Manage Apps → Advanced Links.

Find the required advanced link, go to the [···] menu and select Edit to open the ‘Edit Advanced Link’ dialogue box.

In the From type field, enter the issue type from the JSM project. In our example, issue type = Support.


Step 2: Add a link field to the request screen

On the Advanced Links configuration page, navigate to the Advanced Link and choose the field (by clicking on its name) that needs to be displayed on the request screen. In our example, this field is the Related Licenses field.

On the next page, select the Edit Advanced Link field.

On the field configuration page, click on the Customer Portal tab → Add the field to request.

Select the required project and the request type. Click Add.

Request type must be associated with an issue type and included to the Advanced Link field context in order to appear in the Request Types drop-down menu.

You can also find out more about styling options for field display here: Links fields display styles in Customer Portal

After this step, the Advanced Link field can already be seen in the request from the Customer Portal.

Users can view selectable assets in the field’s drop-down or browse and search for assets in a dialogue. To open the dialog, users need to click on the icon:

Users will see the selection saved after submitting a request:

Links from the request view will also be carried over to the associated issue type.

Browsing permissions

Selectable issues in the customer portal are defined in the same way as in Jira - with a JQL request or with a Searching User feature (see Create and configure Advanced Links | Data Logic).

Searching User field will define the issue scope according to permissions assigned to the selected user.

For example, some users cannot view any License issue types. Yet it is required for them to see License issue types in the Advanced Link drop-down menu in the Customer Portal. In this case, a searching user should be defined for the Related licences Advanced link field.

Searching User field browsing permissions are valid not only for registered users within instance, but for any user with an Atlassian account.

If the Searching User field is left empty, users will see only the issues they are allowed according to their individual Jira permissions.


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