
Connection configuration overview

The connection configuration page allows you to configure connections between Confluence and Jira. Confluence-Jira connection can contain several space-project connections, called synchronisers.

Configuration page with established connections and synchronisers

Confluence - Jira Connection

The Confluence - Jira connection is the first level of link established on the connection configuration page. To create this connection, follow the steps outlined in the steps below. Once you have created a Confluence - Jira connection, you can proceed to create a Space - Project configuration.

Initial configuration page with synchronisers

To get started with the app and configure the first connection between Jira and Confluence, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the SWFC configuration tab in Confluence settings.

  2. Select "Create Jira connection".

  3. A new page will open with an authorization request. Select your Jira instance URL and click "Accept".

  4. A new dialogue will appear where you need to select your Jira instance once more and click "Create".

After completing these steps, your Confluence instance will be connected to Jira through the STAGIL app.

Technical user

An administrator who configures the synchronizer will be recognised as a Technical User.

Space - Project Synchronizer

The Space-Project synchronizer is the second link level established on the app configuration page. This configuration allows you to specify projects - space association within a particular Confluence - Jira connection. To create a Space-Project synchronizer, a Confluence-Jira connection must be already created.

Follow these steps to create a Space-Project synchronizer:

  1. First, select the Confluence - Jira connection.

  2. Click on the ‘Create synchronizer’ button.

  3. A new dialogue will open. Select the Confluence space and the Jira project you want to link.
    If you cannot find the space/project option you are looking for, start typing in the select field.

  4. The 'Additional CQL' field allows the application of an additional filter to define the scope of pages that will be synced.

  5. Select a synchronisation mode that suits your needs. See more details on sync modes here:

  6. In the ‘Type’ field, select the issue type that will be synced to a page within the selected space.
    Select ‘Define per page’ to allow users to select an issue type manually (available only for ‘Selected manually’ mode.

  7. Click "Create" to create the Space - Project synchronizer.


Technical user

An administrator who configures the synchronizer will be recognised as a Technical User.

This user must have the following permissions in every project in a syncronizer.

  • browse project

  • create issues

  • transition issues

User permissions

If a Confluence user also has a Jira account, their permission to change the page status or edit Issue Fields will be based on their Jira permissions.

If a Confluence user does not have a Jira account, the app will use the technical user’s permissions instead to update the synced issue.

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