Asset field filters
The Asset field filter is a configuration page for STAGIL Assets. It can be found in Apps under our app’s listing.
This page displayed a list of filters, applied to specific fields.
The filter’s Name reflects the field’s name & context.
The filter’s JQL column shows a query that defines results in the field’s drop-down.
Created column indicates the time when the filter was created which was triggered by adding the advanced link field to the ‘Create screen’.
The updated column indicates the time when the number of the query results was changed.
The last synchronised column shows the last time the ‘Synchronize’ button was used.
The Number of Assets column shows the number of results returned via this query.
The Synchronization button runs a JQL query and updates a number of assets in the previous column.
Locked filters
Locked filters are created automatically when an Advanced Link field is added to a ‘Create issue’ screen. They are associated only with custom fields that were created to represent the advanced link field on the ‘Create issue’ screen. See more about this feature:Advanced Link field in 'Create issue' screen.
Editable filters
Custom fields can be created, although they are not required nor can impact STAGIL assets app performance. Such fields can be used in a filter configuration in Jira’s ‘External asset platform’ fields.
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