Remote issue look-up from DC Jira
With the External Jira DC scope, you can display issues from your Data Center instance directly in Jira Cloud’s Issue Filter Panels.
To enable the ability to look up issues from a remote Jira Data Center instance, follow these steps:
Set up an OAuth link: Configure an OAuth link in the Jira Data Center instance to generate the required credentials (Client ID and Client Secret).
Enable the connection in the Cloud Jira.
Navigate to App Administration.
Select the Issue Filter Panel tab in the left sidebar.
Click the three-dot button in the top-right corner of the Issue Filter Panel configuration page.
In the menu, select Manage Jira DC Connection.
In the dialog, check the box labelled Enable connection with external Jira DC and enter the following details in the input fields that appear:
Base URL: The base URL of the Jira Data Center instance.
Client ID: Obtained from the OAuth configuration.
Client Secret: Obtained from the OAuth configuration.
Configure Issue Filter Panels
Open the configuration for any Issue Filter Panel.
Go to the Data Logic tab.
In the Scope dropdown, select the new option External Jira DC (URL of linked DC site) to start fetching issues.
Currently, Issue Filter Panels only support the following fields when fetching issues from a remote Jira Data Center instance:
Summary, Status, Assignee, Reporter, Creator, Fix Versions, Versions, Description, Environment, Labels, Components, Issue Type, Priority, Original Estimate, Time Remaining, Time Spent, Due Date, Resolution Date, Resolution, Created, Updated, Project, Issue Links, Parent.
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