JQL Search

JQL Search

Single values

You can use JQL to search for issues that have tables with certain content in defined columns.

The following JQL will show all issues that have the value "Services" in the Column "Element" of the table "Deal Positions".

"Deal Positions" = "Element{Services}"


Starting with version 1.0.31, we can now search for multiple values in one table row.

"Tablefield" = "Column1{value} [and] Column2{value}"

Omega = "Alfa{Jira} [and] Beta{10}"

The JQL above will return the issues where the values “Jira” and “10” show on the same row in the Omega table.


This is our custom JQL negative operator, which allows us to return issues where table columns do not contain certain values.

For example,

Checklist = "Assignee{currentUser()} [and IS NOT] Status{Done} [and IS NOT] Status{Open}"

will return tables with rows that have the current user selected in the ‘Assignee’ column AND anything but ‘Done' or ‘Open’ values in the ‘Status column’.


To look for formula-calculated values, search indexation must be enabled first.

To configure, go to Table configuration → Formula column → Manage → Index for search.

Enabling the search will make all new and updated later values available for search. A re-index must be completed first to look for values created before this opinion was enabled.

Example of a JQL query:

"Table Name" = "Formula Column Name{value}"

All values are stored exclusively in Jira’s database.


Search for date columns by using the following syntax:

Supported operators and functions

Column Type

Supported operators


Column Type

Supported operators


Simple Text

~ , !~ , is not , is


Unlimited text

not searchable



= , != , <= , >= , > , < , is not , is , not in , in


Decimal Number

= , != , <= , >= , > , < , is not , is , not in , in


Select List

= , !=, is not , is , not in , in



= , != , is not , is , not in , in


User Picker

= , != , is not , is, not in, in



= , != , is not , is, not in, in



= , != , <= , >= , > , < , is not , is , not in , in



= , != , <= , >= , > , < , is not , is , not in , in

currentLogin(), endOfDay(), endOfMonth(), endOfWeek(), endOfYear(), lastLogin(), now(), startOfDay(), startOfMonth(), startOfWeek(), startOfYear()

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