Number & Decimal number

Number & Decimal number

Our tables have 3 types of columns that support numerical values:

  1. Number column.

  2. Decimal number column.

  3. Formula

Both the number and decimal columns share the following settings:

  • an option to limit input by setting up a minimal & maximum value.

  • minimal column width.

  • option to make the column mandatory to fill when adding/editing the row.

  • option to make the column read-only.

  • option to sum up the column values in an additional row at the end of the table.

  • define a default value.

  • configure the tooltip for the column header.

  • select values alignment: right, left, or centre.

The decimal column includes an additional setting: specifying the number of characters displayed after the decimal point.

Number column configuration dialogue
Decimal column configuration dialogue



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